Need some "light" guidance?

Rev. Sarah is adept at long distance reiki & offers counseling as a trauma recovery specialist and is a respected intuitive guide. 

Our Latest Offering

The “Gentle Guide For Your Life” is a great resource for you to find inspiration on this journey towards enlightenment. This guide is also a perfect gift for any occasion! And your donation helps us keep the candles lit on our grotto!

Prayer Requests

All submissions are confidential and deleted monthly. We do not keep records or use your email for any reason other than acknowledging your request.

The book! "Gentle Guides"

We celebrated 20 years of service in October of 2021, and look forward to another 20+ years! Please help support our mission by purchasing our Gentle Guide.


The White Light Express has a community page on Facebook for those who want to just check in from time to time and a forum for more active participation.


Check out our gatherings, monthly grid activities and workshops! Sign up for the newsletter and special announcements!

Prayer Request? Send It Now!

We do not keep records or use your email for any reason other than to acknowledge your request, and all submissions are deleted at the end of each grid cycle.