About Us

Founders And Facilitators
Sarah Nash

Rev. Sarah Nash CRMT

President, Founder
Mission Statement: “To assist all of mankind in the evolution of authentic consciousness and the quest for enlightenment. To eradicate fear, suffering and spiritual illness at the cosmic centers of our being. To illuminate The Path with humor accompanied by a gentle sense of irreverent reverence. To have a really really really good time doing all of that.”

Peter Messerschmidt

Peter Messerschmidt

Executive Assistant, CFO
In daily life, I am a writer and Finder of Things, a highly sensitive person and keeper of the HSP Notes blog since 2002,   a cereal box philosopher, eBay entrepreneur, cat lover, coffee lover, and painter of Alchemy Stones. Sometimes I’m Sarah’s head cheerleader too.

Dena Anderson

Rev. Dena Anderson, CRMT – CCH

Facilitator, Senior Developer
When I am not healing others you can find me writing, making jewelry and working at other creative endeavors. I believe we all have a purpose on this planet and that every life has meaning. In the words of a very wise Zen master: “Do or do not. There is no try.” Metta to all.

Wil Carter

Wil Carter

Facilitator, Grid Guardian 
He’s a Time Lord. If you ask him about it, he will look at you with sympathy and ask you if you’ve been talking to Sarah and gently change the subject. Find him quietly changing the world, one tender prayer at a time.

Leah Rose
Avis Latone

Rev. Avis Latone

Founder, Event Co-ordination
An original Founder, Avis is a non-denominational interfaith minister trained and licensed in Usui Reiki as a Master Teacher. She is also certified in Ancient Egyptian Reiki.  She is not religious, she prefers to use the term “spiritual” to define her foundation. She honors all paths toward light, and chooses to find the sacred in all things.

Kathy Lynn Douglass

Kathy Lynn Douglass

Grid Guardian
Mentor and teacher to Sarah Nash, in this lifetime and few more. Paragon of patience.

Nancy Fountain

Nancy Fountain

COFounder, Grid Guardian
“I was born in 1939 and then again in Big Sur California during the early 2000’s!  I live life with great gusto, without worry and depend totally on the LIGHT! Many of my days are spent volunteering at a local shelter for youth. They are the next generation and deserve love. grace and a chance. A world without compassion is a world without light.”
Our beloved Nanny left us August 18, 2024 … she’s nestled with the angels, and our beloved Momma Rose.

Rosemary Sherman

Rosemary Sherman

Facilitator, Original Grid Guardian
Dear beloved siSTAR of laughter and love, left us in February 2011 for the light fantastic and now teaches the angels how to dance. She rides with us on the White Light Express with a first class ticket and watches over us all. Look for her energy every full moon! 

Have a question? Don't be shy.

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